Supporters of the merger argue that it would be unwise for corporations like Walmart and Kroger (both potential takeover candidates) to ignore it. They feel that supermarket consolidation is unavoidable due to rising salaries, greater customer demand for organic foods, and millennials’ growing knowledge of healthy eating habits (aged 18-34).

They point out that many Americans now live within proximity of only one or two supermarket chains, so buying food from anywhere other than those stores might not make much sense economically speaking.

Walmart: Walmart is one of the largest retail chains in the United States, and it controls a large portion of the mid-market area. Because the corporation does not normally spend heavily on technology or food innovation, acquiring WholeFoods may pose a threat to its current business strategy.

To begin with, when news of a potential merger becomes public, investors have a significant reaction, both favorably and adversely. This is because M&A activity has varying effects on firms depending on their industry: consumers may profit when prices for items rise to owe to more competition, but other industries may experience higher production costs or job losses. Keep this in mind while making financial decisions, whether you’re optimistic or bearish on a given business.

Secondly, always do your research before investing in any assets – just because someone else believes in a certain company doesn’t mean that you will too! It could be risky even if the majority OF people believe that an asset is worth buying since opinions can change rapidly with newsgathering techniques like Twitter trending topics or talking heads discussing current events on television shows like CNBC or Bloomberg TV.


Do you think that it is more important for companies to compete or collaborate?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, it depends on the company and the context in which it operates.

Do you think there should be limits on what kind of products can be sold through such marketplaces?

There should be limits on the products that can be sold through such marketplaces, as they may not be safe for consumers.

How much is it costing you per month to run your household on top of groceries?

Most people spend anywhere between $100 and $200 on groceries each month.

Do you think that the rise in the prices of food will continue or will they level off soon?

There is no definite answer as to whether the prices of food will continue to rise or not.