Alexa is available in all kinds of different languages like English, French, Hindi, German, Japanese, etc.

Now secondly how it is used or what are its commands?

So, firstly before making any command first of all the user needs to say ‘ALEXA’ or ‘AMAZON’ it is mandatory to say so otherwise it will never listen to the order or function which user is wanting to be fulfilled. It is the basic thing for every command.

Some of the various Alexa Commands are as follows:-

‘ALEXA HELP’– if the user wants some help. ‘ALEXA PLAY’ – if the user wants to play some music and the song which is to be played must be mentioned. ‘ALEXA STOP’ – if the user wants to stop the music or song played by Alexa. ‘ALEXA TURN UP THE VOLUME’– if the user wants to increase the volume of the song played. ‘ALEXA LOWER DOWN THE VOLUME’- if the user wants to decrease the volume of the song played. ‘ALEXA MAXIMISE THE VOLUME’- if the user wants to full the volume of the song played. ‘ALEXA WHAT’S THE TEMPERATURE OUTSIDE’- if the user wants to know the temperature outside. ‘ALEXA WHAT’S MY NAME?’ – if the user wants to know his/her name , so Alexa will tell the name and if we want that it should recognize some new name so for that the other command is used which will be explained in next point . ‘ALEXA LEARN MY VOICE’– if the user wants Alexa to learn new voice of the user so this command will be used and some steps need to be followed in order to make Alexa learn new voice. Alexa will make the user repeat after it some lines so as to recognize user’s voice and after doing so Alexa will learn the new voice of the user. ‘ALEXA SHOW PICTURES’- if the user wants to see photos or pictures from gallery the user need to say this. ‘ALEXA TELL ME TODAYS NEWS’- if the user wants to know what are the things going on in today’s world , each and every current news will be provided by Alexa. It helps the user to be aware of all the current happenings in the world and also some specific topics can be asked from the Alexa. ‘ALEXA OPEN MY CALENDAR’– if the user wants to see the calendar to know the events or something so the user needs to say this. ‘ALEXA WHEN ARE THE NATIONAL HOLIDAYS’-if the user wants to know when are the holidays so Alexa can show up the list of the holidays and also the user can set the reminders for some event then Alexa will remind exactly the time and date of that event. ‘ALEXA SET ALARM’- if the user wants to get reminded at some time or day so the user can ask Alexa to set up an alarm.  ‘ALEXA WILL IT RAIN TODAY’- if the user wants to know if it will rain today or not also can be understood easily without searching it in google or so. ‘ALEXA OPEN BOOK MY SHOW’- if the user wants to book tickets for movie so the user can ask Alexa to open the app and book tickets.  ‘ALEXA TELL ME A RECIPE’– if the user wants to know the recipe of something Alexa will also do it if the user gives the command.

Conclusion –

These all were some of the basic commands which are or to be given to Alexa in order to make Alexa work or perform all the orders given by the user. It had been very easy since when Alexa has been introduced as it has made working more easily for the people in this busy world. Finally, it can be concluded that Alexa has many benefits in today’s life as it has made it very easy for everyone to just order or to give command and that work will be done automatically.