Doctor Who fans will no doubt be interested to learn that Scottish actor Alan Cumming was previously offered and turned down the title role two times. As the search continues for the thirteenth Doctor considering fellow Scotsman Peter Capaldi’s impending exit as the twelfth Doctor, many fans of the science fiction franchise have been left wondering where the show might be headed next.

Of late, British comedian and director Richard Ayoade has been bandied about as a possible replacement - in addition to former Agent Carter star Hayley Atwell, and many others. For now, series writer Mark Gatiss remains uncertain of the show’s immediate future. Nevertheless, not everyone has been especially eager to land the role of the eponymous Time Lord, as at least one prominent television star has officially come forward with his own stories of having been previously considered for the lead role.

According to The Huffington Post, Alan Cumming was initially considered for the lead role in Doctor Who by original series writer Russell T. Davies - who had a big hand in rebooting the show in 2005 - leading many to believe that Cumming may have been in the running before David Tennant. Unfortunately for fans of the iconic star of The Good Wife, Cumming was unwilling to take the role when he learned he would have to spend eight months of the year in Cardiff - a prominent port city on the south coast of Wales.

Recalling rather snippily, “And I think that might have been what blew it. Nothing against Cardiff, but…” the casual reader may surmise what they will about Cumming. However, that wasn’t the only time the famous Scotsman was considered for the role, as the actor revealed that he was subsequently approached with the same offer by Gatiss, who informed him that filming on Doctor Who would still require him to spend some time in Cardiff, to which Cumming remarked, “I’d do anything for Doctor Who, but I won’t do that.”

It’s a bit odd that eight months living in Cardiff was the final straw when it came to landing the title role in Doctor Who for Cumming, especially considering the fact that his explanation appears to belie a certain personal appreciation for the show that might have translated into quite the enjoyable performance for fans of the series. On that note, here’s to hoping that the thirteenth Doctor is announced soon.

Next: Doctor Who Season 10 Ends On ‘Unexpected Note’

Doctor Who season 10 continues with ‘The Empress of Mars’ on Saturday, June 10th on BBC 1 and BBC America.

Source: The Huffington Post